Truckee Donner Public Utility District
Home MenuMission Statement
The Mission of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District is to provide reliable, high quality utility and customer services while managing District resources in a safe, open, responsible, and environmentally sound manner at the lowest practical cost.
1. Responsibly serve the public.
1.1 Conduct the District's business in a legal, ethical, open, and transparent manner
1.2 Implement a proactive public outreach program.
1.3 Promote communication and cooperation with other public and private agencies.
1.4 Develop and implement high standards of customer service.
1.5 Develop and implement high operational standards, procedures and Codes of Conduct.
2. Provide a healthy and safe work environment for all District employees.
2.1 Reduce the OSHA reportable injury frequency and severity rates relative to previous reporting year.
2.2 Comply with all State and Federal regulations regarding worker safety.
2.3 Maintain the District's wellness program.
2.4 Reduce employee injuries by maintaining an active and effective safety program.
3. Provide reliable and high quality water supply and distribution systems to meet current and future needs.
3.1 Maintain and implement a current Urban Water Management Plan which includes current and future projections of water quality, demand, and supply.
3.2 Maintain and implement a current Water Master Plan, including the required facilities to meet current and future demand and supply.
3.3 Secure the necessary water rights and other legally required documentation.
3.4 Conduct effective and efficient operations, maintenance, and replacement programs.
4. Provide reliable and high quality electric supply and distribution system to meet current and future needs.
4.1 Develop and implement Risk Management Policy that considers quality and quantity of all energy supply and transmission contracts and facilities.
4.2 Maintain and implement a long-term energy and load forecast consistent with Risk Management Policy.
4.3 Procure and contract for low cost electric power supplies to reliably meet current and future loads, consistent with the Renewable Portfolio Standard and Risk Management Policy.
5. Manage in an environmentally sound manner
5.1 Seek power supply from energy resource mix to satisfy Renewable Portfolio Standard.
5.2 Develop and implement a program of water and electric power use efficiency and conservation.
5.3 Support a program of distributed generation within the District's service area.
5.4 Conduct District business in an environmentally lawful manner.
5.5 Minimize negative impact of District operations on the environment.
5.6 Provide key leadership in the stewardship of the District's aquifer, watershed, and natural infrastructure.
6. Manage the District in an effective, efficient and fiscally responsible manner.
6.1 Utilize modern, cost effective work methods and equipment.
6.2 Employ a qualified and productive workforce.
6.3 Provide safe work conditions and procedures that encourage employee growth, productivity and retention.
6.4 Control the growth of the District's discretional-operational spending to a rate less than the rate of inflation.
6.5 Review and update the Financial Goals policy to achieve a stable financial condition to include planning, revenue, debt and reserve goals.
6.6 Develop appropriate financial procedures to assure responsible financial management.